Sister Wisenburger from the branch is supposed to be sending pics but i did win the doughnut eating contest. Surprised? Before the party though we had a run in with DL and he had a drunk guy not leaving them alone so we helped and he was yelling saying how we don't know God and that women are nothing...and I was like...OK buddy listen up, you're drunk and have no idea whats going on right now. You're going to have huge headache tomorrow so you better go sleep right now. and by the way women are very important in our church. he yelled left and came back and egged our chapel but its alright. I was bothered how so many people think that women are not important to us. its dumb becasue they are. Saturday we had a jdub call and set up with us and he promised not to argue so we went and gave me a shot. so we start and instantly starts making fun of our church how is sounds made up....ironic right? but i was hmm okay interesting why? but then I said can we start with a prayer.
boom spirit. he talked then after he got done talking me and Hubbard stepped in and shared the restoration. simply and beautifully. Hubbard shared the first vision and the spirit filled the room. he was speechless. he then tried to continue to talk but we had to go so ended with a prayer. until en never really understood the power of the first vision. its incredible. think about how that vision honestly speaking true or not how it affected your lives. i promise its true but think about. who would you be? Sunday was a very spiritual Sunday. i started reading the book or Mormon again. and read in 1 nephi how when nephi and his brothers get the plates and come back before they arrive their mother shariah is sad and she is blaming lehi and stuff and it says how he comforted her. So it really made me think how important that husband and wife relationship is we as men must comfort our wives. see they are important! but then of course the lord humbles me. great weekend? still is but last night we are tracking and we get let in but only to the building from the domophone. we talk to this guy come to find out he is Muslim and his polish wife is Lutheran. we talk and well she becomes interested we never got invited in but she wants to come to our church and see it. It was cool. then we go back out to domophone and this old man comes out yelling at us and telling us to leave which we don't need to. and he wouldn't leave us alone. and i promise i was being nice asking him to tell me why he is mean and hates me... but he goes to raise his had to hit me, and i go oh well your man trying to hit me huh? he didn't like that whoops..and grabs my arm and attempts to throw me, and by now i am sick and tired of this guy yelling at us for like 15 minutes and i get up in his face and i say sir leave now we are here to talk to people, if you font like then go pray and realize how immature you are acting and don't ever touch me again. and he goes i am calling the cops i said cool. i will tell them how you hit me...that okay wit you and then he starts swearing asked him to stop then he left. but yeah very weird. not that cool of story but wanted at least one story. (Dad i am safe) but yeah everything is the best here. As Elder Hubbard would say...we are number one in the hearts of the polish people. But the church is true stay strong everyone love you all!
Elder Harris
Elder Harris